Saturday, May 5, 2007

the sculptor gets sculpted

I am sore.

I have been working my yoga butt off trying to learn a new way to teach yoga. Sore calves, tight hamstrings, screaming inner (yikes) thighs, deltoids -serious pain here, biceps and triceps growing to strong girl proportions!

This crazy newfangled way of yoga is for the hard driving, type a's out there that itch to feel the burn and yearn to see men squirm...

I'm referring to a new business of yoga called "Yoga Sculpt". It is a hard cardio workout with faced paced bass thumping music lots of sweat and free weights. Yes Yoga with weights! It soooo much fun you hardly forget you are burning thousands of calories while you are singing and moving to the beat.

So everyday I have been working and learning and sweating and trying to get with this damn downbeat, counting and timing and cueing until my head spins off .... trying to get ready for my big debut as a yoga sculpt instructor on June 1st.

In addition to my regular vinyasa classes I have been teaching (2-3 a day) I have to throw a cardio workout in there (a run at the health club with a brief stint on the stair climber) then I have to train for this class. Plus a turn at the hospital now and again for the paycheck...

I know I know when does sleep play into this picture or mothering or fun or even time for romance..... There isnt much time but surprisingly once you get enough activity under your belt for the day you find you are not as tired and you need less and less sleep. The other stuff will always be there although we could always do with a little more romance right?

The body is such an amazing thing - adapting to diet and exercise, hundreds of crunches, weights and triceps that scream and scream then the next day you look in the mirror and see a slight bulge of muscle where there once was none, a tight little spot where there used to be a little droopiness and it makes it all worthwhile! Now I can wear that little strappy top with pride and no worries about a little flabby arms!

So the sculpted are getting sculpted and feeling the pain the ultimate pain of muscles awakening and growing. I jumping out of my comfort zone of quiet peaceful yoga instruction into the crazy cardio world and while scared and worried about my first class, I am so excited for the opportunity. You have to grab those opportunites and snatch them up any chance you get. Live life like there is no tomorrow and enjoy what you have and what is given to you. Never taking anything for granted.

So the next time you are faced with an opportunity and it scares you go for it anyway! Try it and live a life without regret. As for me its time to step out of my box and get sculpted.

Be well, kimmykat om

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that sounds like fun!!!

Working my little minxy arse off in one of those classes would give me no time for my unfortunate debilitating and distractible giggling.
No time for naughtiness, no siree!

You must look absolutely fabulous after all this sweating and sculpting, darling. It's worth it though. And it's so true. When your mind and body are active and healthy the tiredness disappears. I survive on around 6 hours sleep a night, sometimes less. I'm up at 5am and find it hard to go to bed early, usually 11pm.
I have felt tired this week though, due to the evil molars - and definitely to a lack of my regular exercise!

There is beauty in discipline.

(that done, I'm ready for my glass of Shiraz!!)

Cheers darling!