Tuesday, May 1, 2007

It pays the bills

Those of you that don't know the real me yet, there I am in a fit of fur and frenzy usually driving like a crazy woman from one Yoga class to another, then ultimately to my other fulltime job: working in a hospital emergency room. Yes I know, yoga while it fills my soul to guide others to enlightenment, it does not fill my pocketbook and writing while it is a passionate passion of mine, nothing worthwhile published yet sooooooo this means I have to work work work for a living.

Working in an emergency room----I know you think WOW what a cool and exciting job! Believe me it is no Grey's Anatomy and no ER... sadly, this is not television and there are no knock down gorgeous Dr. McDreamys in my ER and the nurses are a little odd and malformed and very crabby(more on that later...) and many of the patients are scary and strange ...

What can I say, it pays the bills and every now and then I can afford a new purse or shoes... I have seen my share of really weird things and nothing shocks or surprises me anymore. So if you have a bit of a curiosity for what really goes on in the ER (my ER which will remain nameless) I will divulge every little secret I can, wicked Kitty that I am. On to the next patient... meow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We do what we can to pay the bills, don't we darling...
I am in the habit of creating most of them and then, conveniently, diabolically, forgetting them.

just like that!

Looking forward to hearing your delicious tales!!
