Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mostly they come out at night, mostly....

Catchphrases-- inside jokes...

"Mostly they come out at night, mostly...." The infamous words from our damaged and beloved Newt, emotionally scarred orphan found wandering around trying to dodge double jawed aliens. Even Sigourney couldnt save her in the end, we discovered in the third movie that she was destroyed in her pod in deep space because true to her words: "Mostly they come out at night... mostly." This is a sentence that is said over and over in our house and we always giggle and smile- our own private joke... Then there is also "In case you didnt notice we just got our asses kicked, game over man" and "How can they turn off the power, their just animals" (that Bill Paxton has the best lines).

My daughter and I have a strange movie relationship. We see a movie together and find a catch phrase or word that strikes us, tickles our fancies, or just plain knocks our socks off. This makes for some really hilarious text messages or inside jokes.

One that we used and over used for days on end was from the Shining. Yeah I know you are thinking: "Here's Johnny" made famous by Jack Nicholson chopping his way into the bathroom with an enormous shiny axe. No that would be too easy- there is a scene, a rather pathetic one, in which Shelly Duvall is wearing this gastly indian/rodeo looking jacket and it is in baby puke tan..and she tops it off with a little scarf -what the f?(who is her stylist?) she is wandering (all these people do is wander) around this massive hotel and has no idea where scary as hell Danny is, she finds the communication room and radios to the local ranger. This poor unsuspecting ranger in training answers and she, starved for attention because her crazy husband has gone even crazier, babbles on and on and each time they finish a sentence they say "over". It becomes comical. It seriously goes on and on and "over". So for about two weeks after seeing this movie we would constantly say"over" and it was a source of great laughter for us and annoyance for anyone else in the general vicinity.

Some of you probably can relate to the old Terminator movie that has the catchphrase of all catchphrases- "I'll be back" , there are some that have added to that phrase by saying "Next time I wont be so nice" Or in Tommy Boy "Holy Schnikes", or when he calls Richard "Sinner", or "Thats gonna leave a mark". There are alot of them in any Chris Farley Movie.

Guys have their favorites too: "Say Hello to my little Friend" Scarface, "Were gonna need a bigger boat" Jaws, " May the force be with you" Star wars, "Yeah Baby Yeah", Austin Powers, "Yippe-kay-yay Mother F------", Die hard, "What the problem is?" National Security

I have to admit though, my very favorite is "Nobody puts Baby in the corner" Dirty Dancing... (I say this to my daughter when she is sad- it makes her laugh everytime!)


xo kk over... (hee hee i love that)


the Domestic Minx said...

Oh I so loved reading this!!!
I love movies, I love catchphrases!!
Our family, we put the 'fun' in dysfunctional, sounds just like yours. We even have our own boys are extraordinarily familiar with pop culture and it is referenced on a daily basis. It is delicious fun!!

Curiously, just the other night, we watched the 50 best movie one liners. What a hoot!

Lock n Load!


Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it