Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Pomp and Strange Circumstance

Hello loyal readers!
I am back! Back from the tedious responsibilities of real life duties that have so selfishly taken me away from my one true passion (besides yoga) writing....

In the last several weeks I have been in absentia. My Daughter had finals, then Prom, then actual Graduation ceremony, then the preparation of a party that would rival a wedding reception (not really but it felt like it and was extremely expensive) and then all the other graduation parties that we have had to attend, then finally the 7 hour road trip to the College Orientation, the two days spent there "orientating" and the 7 hour trip back... Whew! it's been a whirlwind.... and I am so glad to be back to the safe quiet uninterupted bliss of my computer...

So what did I do when I finally got into my home office, shut the door, fired up my computer and cracked my knuckles with gleeful anticipation? I felt the beginnings of what is the equivalent of cyptonite to a budding writer... Writer's Block...
Yes, I was blocked for a full week... so on top of all of the time away and the traveling and time to ponder topics of discussion to write about, the notes taken on the road of stories I couldnt wait to pumpout, I sat there staring at the screen the gentle hummmm of the hard drive humming at me as it is was actually saying.. "What the Hell!!!"

I realized at that moment, I left my writing "mojo" back on the University of Kansas Campsus somewhere between the Dorm Rooms, the Sorority Houses, The Union Hall and the Financial Center (the place where you would find most of the parents). The wind has been taken out of my sails all for the greater good of higher education for my only Daughter. I realized that my mind is on the Stranger Circumstance of her actually leaving and living this new life, apart from me, without me. My heart is a little fluttery just saying this out loud, fingers to keys... to my supportive friends and fellow bloggers. Let me go on record to say "Letting go sucks" and this empty nest thing is going to be a lot harder than I realized.

I started at the computer screen and had a good long cry. The kind of cry that you cry until there are no more tears. The kind of cry that feels like when you are finally finished you are reborn.

The next thing I did was pump out the most heartfelt little novelette about growing up and letting go and I have to say, in the process of letting go of here in my heart and mind, I found myself, my voice, and my writers "mojo"!

Soin a way, she has graduated and so have I... on to a new life of possibilities and opportunities for the both of us... and yes, my dear friends you are asking how old where you Kimmykat to have a child old enough to graduate?? Lets just say, I was way too young but am glad now I have all this freedom to look forward to still at a young age.

So on the list now... and this is for you my dear friend Domestic Minx:
1. Teach Yoga for 8-10 months or longer in Costa Rica
2. Open my own Yoga Studio on the beach
3. Get my book finally published
4. Travel and explore
and all this could not be done with a schoolage child at home. So the lesson of all of this is to look at the positive and see really see all that life has to offer rather than concentrate on what you have to let go of.

1 comment:

the Domestic Minx said...


I was putting the search party through their paces, gearing them up, locking and loading with synchronized timepieces, ready for a full-scale reconnaissance mission to rescue you from the bowels of God Knows Where!!!!

At least I can tell them to go home now. They were beginning to smell anyway and two of them had even used my bathroom...

What an exhausting journey you've been on darling, physically and emotionally.
Saying goodbye to our children is heartbreaking. When I had to travel with Matt, from the jungle highlands of West Papua to his boarding school (to which I vowed I'd never send him) I was an absolute mess. I was on my own. I was distraught. I simply could not let him go. We are very close and when he kissed me as he always does, so tenderly, and looked at me with his big blue eyes heavy with the most absurdly long lashes, I just melted. I did not stop crying for three days. All the way home on the plane, all the way up the mountainside in the truck, finally laying on my bed in what really was the middle of nowhere like a heartbroken teenager...
It was as if a part of me had been amputated...
There was regeneration of course, but it took time...

Your own regeneration program sounds absolutely delicious, Kimmykat!
The destination exotic, the itinerary wonderful, it is the perfect "next chapter" in your life!!

Cheers darling!!
Here's to new beginnings!
And your delicious return!!
