Saturday, November 14, 2009

She lives, She breathes, She walks the night seeking inspiration

Hiatus Smiatus...Took some time away to work on my book and ended up getting sidetracked into a vacuum. Okay a vacuum of despair and self pity. After being DUMPED by a very good friend of mine, not in the boyfriend sense but in the friend friend sense. A long distance friendship but a close one nevertheless. He chose to commemorate our deep thinking and feeling friendship by never saying goodbye... just a fade out. no closure, no thanks for being there when I needed a friend that I could trust. just stopped calling and stopped returning calls, emails etc. I got the hint after about the 7th attempt to contact him. OUCH

What drives someone to behave like this? What about manners? Compassion? Karma?

It took alot of my self esteem to accept that a person who I invested my time, time that cannot be replaced, in these young years that are so precious and few, decided I was not worth a goodbye or a good wish.

I still swear at him under my breath, two years have passed... A good chunk of my ego has restored itself. I feel ready to write again and open up those floodgates. So... onward and upward.

Ron.. Karma is a mother, keep your head low and hope she doesnt sink....

good thoughts now-only good thoughts